I don't know what it is but there is something about soccer. I am sure all sports are probably this way but so far our family has only entered the world of soccer. It seems that during the season your Saturday consists mostly of soccer...
Getting up, eating breakfast, finding the soccer gear, racing out of the house, driving to the field, finding a seat, screaming and cheering like a maniac, passing out snack, issuing congratulations, driving home, washing the soccer gear, putting everything away, sitting on the sofa and wondering what have a I gotten myself into...
Sometimes this is how I feel about soccer...

Everything goes by in a blur, nothing in focus, until the season is over.
But most of the time...
What leave me alone... I'm watching the game.

A few practice warm ups. He didn't think it was funny when I pointed out that he wasn't the goalie and he shouldn't be touching the ball... "Mom"

Occasionally it becomes a whole family event when Dad fills in for the coach and makes one of our daughters run a practice play to show them how it's done... "Really Dad you want me run down the field and kick the ball? Do I have to?"

Kason won't ever pass up a chance to make a goal.

You would think that the other members of the family would watch their brother play but no that's too boring so we must provide sideline entertainment, snacks and beverages.
My oldest prefers to read a book... which is usually fine until a wayward ball enters her territory.

Sometimes the sideline entertainment becomes distracting to the players and we have to intervene.

Most of the time the games have nice weather... not to hot, not to cold... but the final game of the season was a roaster.
The kids were so hot and sweaty... Kason came to the sideline and asked if I would pour a bit of water on his head. I gladly obliged and drenched the kid... I don't think he was very happy with me because this was what ensued.

Then he politely walked away and took a seat on the sidelines.

For now soccer is over but I am sure the fall season will be here before we know it. We must love this sport thing... next up

BASEBALL!!! Look for us in the spring cause here we come.