Thursday, June 3, 2010

This boy makes me SMILE!!!

I have this little boy who somehow got these beautiful blue/green eyes and this really infectious smile.

He also has great hair that I am pretty sure he inherited from his Dad.

He is already gaining attention from the ladies at school which leads me to believe that he will be able to woo the girls like his dad as well.

His sense of humor is fabulous and when he is around there is never a dull moment.

But my favorite thing about him is that he is still my little boy...

-when he gets tired he still wants me to snuggle with him.

-when he gets hurt he still wants me to kiss and make it better.

-when he wakes up in the night he still wants me to put him back to bed (I think I would be okay with him waking his dad up every once in a while for that).

-when he gets sick he wants me to sit in bed and hold him.

-when he has a nightmare only mom can make it better with her famous pillow trick.

-when he has had a bad day he still says a hug and kiss from mom makes it all better.

I know one day soon he won't need or really even want those things but for now I will enjoy them and when they end I will relish the memories.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you speak about your children. And he is such a handsome little boy.
